I'm Erin, or just mum if you ask mini man, dad is Peter and mini man is our adorable adopted mini man from Thailand. We are an Aussie family of three, living our best healthy, frugal life, starting F.I.R.E (Financial Independence Retire Early) at forty.
We are a mixed bag so expect a just that. I'm a qualified accountant currently on maternity leave, my hubby is in retail management and mini man has a recycling business.
I am also an ostomate as in a person that lives with an ostomy / stoma. I would have died at 26 without it and because of it we get to enjoy the outdoors and each other.
Join me here and / or my other platforms as we share the journey and learnings with you all.
You Tube @InsideOutlet / Facebook @Insideoutlet / Instagram @Insideoutlet / Twitter @Insideoutlet
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