First Father’s Day with our adopted son: Plus DIY Gifts

Dad Son's Feet 2018

Life changes and with that we shall adapt

Not my normal post style for my ostomy blog but life has changed and so everything must adapt, I haven’t been as “ostomy” active but I do still blog via an alternate account @insideoutlet so instead of staying dormant, I shall start to share some of these fun things with you. Let’s start with four days back and my husband’s first fathers day!

1st Father’s Day

In Australia it is the second day of Spring and the 1st Sunday, so today we celebrate Father’s Day, it’s rather special for us as it is also the first Father’s Day for my husband @shai-hulud. Our 17-month-old son who is currently sleeping joined our family in June and has been a pleasure to watch and grow ever since.

Our Adoption Adventure.

Yes we are adopting! The fertility/baby thing is was too close to home. I have started to write about it many times only to end up in crying so to save myself the tears (happy and sad) and possibly electrocution, my amazeballs husband has not only wrote our story but expanded it beyond my original concept so with out further ado, our adoption story through the eyes of my husband and soon to be awesome sauce dad!

Note: You may want to get the tissues,, if your that way inclined, as even though I tried to save myself I still bawled as I read this.

Let the Adventure Begin!