Our Adoption Adventure.

Yes we are adopting! The fertility/baby thing is was too close to home. I have started to write about it many times only to end up in crying so to save myself the tears (happy and sad) and possibly electrocution, my amazeballs husband has not only wrote our story but expanded it beyond my original concept so with out further ado, our adoption story through the eyes of my husband and soon to be awesome sauce dad!

Note: You may want to get the tissues,, if your that way inclined, as even though I tried to save myself I still bawled as I read this.

Let the Adventure Begin!

When your body fails you

Fail - Body Failure - Back Pain

Rather dramatic isn’t it but given I’m on the couch yet again with a bulging disc unable to find a comfortable position for longer than what feels like five minutes. I am disappointed in my body feeling as though it has failed me again. Months ago this would have sent me into a spiral of depression resulting in the age-old rants of not now, because I never have time but who does have time for sickness and pain, hang on let me schedule that into NEVER and then the good old why me, which ultimately led to tears, red eyes and a headache.

Ostomy Glamour Shoot

If someone had told me when this journey began that I would be in a boudoir glamour shoot radiating confidence with an ostomy bag I would have laughed at them and then silently cried about it later. It was something I had on my dreams list but didn't dare to think about after getting an Ostomy. It would have just been another thing that would depress me on the list of things I thought never possible again. I hated getting naked and couldn't stand to look at myself in the mirror. I had gone from never being home to shying away from all social settings and avoiding photos where at all possible. Something I only recently began to regret. There are huge gaps in my memory that photos could have helped fill. I never realised how significant a part of my life it would be given all I wanted to do at the time was forget it was happening.

Ostomy Support

Bursting heart

Let me just say wow! Thank you social media. How times have changed, going back ten years when my journey began Facebook may have existed but not in its glorious form it does these days. The ability to reach out to others across barriers is astounding. I am so blown away by the magnitude of support groups, pages, blogs and websites that are out there. The time and effort that the ostomy community puts into supporting each other is astronomical. One of my main drivers for setting up the web page and blog was to ensure that other ostomates knew not only that there was support out there but where to find it.