First Father’s Day with our adopted son: Plus DIY Gifts

Dad Son's Feet 2018

Life changes and with that we shall adapt

Not my normal post style for my ostomy blog but life has changed and so everything must adapt, I haven’t been as “ostomy” active but I do still blog via an alternate account @insideoutlet so instead of staying dormant, I shall start to share some of these fun things with you. Let’s start with four days back and my husband’s first fathers day!

1st Father’s Day

In Australia it is the second day of Spring and the 1st Sunday, so today we celebrate Father’s Day, it’s rather special for us as it is also the first Father’s Day for my husband @shai-hulud. Our 17-month-old son who is currently sleeping joined our family in June and has been a pleasure to watch and grow ever since.

IBD Awareness Month – Interview – Bag Lady Mumma – AKA Krystal Miller

With Crohn’s and Colitis Awareness month coming to an end, instead of sharing my story with you all again, I was lucky enough to get some time with one of the strongest kick arse people and bloggers I know, Krystal Miller, A.K.A Bag Lady Mama.

Like all of us she has had trying and triumph times and I am honored to count her among my friends and fellow survivors. I just love her way with words, jest for life and willing to break all the rules. Not to mention her awesome images and fun family.

So without further ado…

Interview with Rourke, Founder of Life after Billy

Meet Rourke

September is Sepsis Awareness Month

September is Sepsis Awareness Month, Sepsis can be a life-threatening condition. It can lead to shock, failure of organs, and in rare cases an ostomy bag depending on where the sepsis occurs and the organs affected. Despite advances in modern medicine sepsis is still the leading cause of death from infection due to the fact that is very difficult to predict, diagnose, and treat. 

No. 4: Things I wish I knew back then…

The Amount of Support Available.

I know I have discussed this topic before but believe it belongs in my “Things I Wish I Knew Back Then…” series, as its high on my list of things I would have loved back when my journey began.  If you didn’t see it check it out HERE. I also, however, wanted to take some time to briefly introduce you to the ones who influenced my life and some up and coming ones that are inspiring me to do wonderful things. They are all amazing bloggers and ostomy awareness advocates, so if you do get the time check them out. Well worth your time. We all write differently and focus on slightly different issues with the same main aim, to raise awareness and help others along with ourselves through this ostomy life.