Rebuild Your Core: Part 2 with Dr Gareth

Four point kneeling exercise

I recently spent some time with local business owner and chiropractor Dr Gareth from  Hilton Chiropractor discussing potential projects we could liaise on to help people who have recently had abdominal surgery, the most common question I get asked is can I do core workouts and if so where did I start. So this seems the obvious place to start. Note this is a two piece series.


Training your core while on your back. This is helpful post-surgical recovery and before you do more challenging exercise.


Training the spinal muscles while on your tummy or while 4 point kneeling…. Yes, you can do exercises on your tummy with an ostomy!

Key things to note, video and instructional videos below:

Rebuild Your Core: Part 1 with Dr Gareth

Hilton Chiropractic

I recently spent some time with local business owner and chiropractor Dr Gareth from  Hilton Chiropractor discussing potential projects we could liaise on to help people who have recently had abdominal surgery, the most common question I get asked is can I do core workouts and if so where did I start. So this seems the obvious place to start. Note this is a two piece series.


Training your core while on your back. This is helpful post-surgical recovery and before you do more challenging exercise.


Training the spinal muscles while on your tummy or while 4 point kneeling…. Yes, you can do exercises on your tummy with an ostomy!

Key things to note, video and instructional videos below:

Post Op Core Exercise Basics

Erin Goodwin Muscle Flex

Recently I was lucky enough to get some extra time with Sally Reynolds, an experienced personal trainer and owner of Phoenix Fitness Broome when she was down in Perth to run the HBF Run for a Reason. Sally is not only a successful business owner she has endured years of ulcerative colitis later diagnosed as crohns before receiving an ileostomy a couple of days before new years 2000. Please take the time to read her full story HERE. Together we made this short post-op core basics exercise video, running through some basic to hard exercises that strengthen your core over time.

Video & Things to Note Below: